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Re: trying to remove wicd

> I want to get wicd off my system, but am having a problem. All the
> installer utilities say that it's not installed

As Gary Dale has pointed out, you should probably be looking at
packages names other than plain "wicd".

> root@debian:~# which wicd
> /usr/sbin/wicd

This will tell you which package owns /usr/sbin/wicd:
dpkg -S /usr/sbin/wicd

> How do I get rid of the stuff?

To find installed packages with "wicd" in their names:
dpkg -l '*wicd*' | awk '/^ii/ {print $2}' 

To show what would be removed when you purge them:
dpkg -l '*wicd*' | awk '/^ii/ {print $2}' | xargs -r sudo apt-get -s purge

To really purge those packages, remove the "-s" option.

That will suffice unless any of the wicd functionality is in packages
without "wicd" as part of their names.


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