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Re: Using a second monitor

Bret Busby writes:
 > After reading the thread, and the above response, it occurred to me,
 > that this could be worthwhile to add to the debian.org web site, as a
 > "HowTo", for whoever has the privileges.

I share the part of my .xinitrc that deals with xrandr

# check if the tv I have home is connected...
if xrandr | grep -q "VGA1 connected 1360x768+0+0"
	xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768 --pos 560x1080
# if VGA1 is connected I assume to be at work...	
elif xrandr | grep -q "VGA1 connected"
	xrandr --output VGA1 --left-of LVDS1 --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768
	# My laptop is without external screen
	xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768

 /\           ___                                    Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_____               African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamico            meaning "I can
\/                 coltivatore diretto di software       not install
     già sistemista a tempo (altrui) perso...                Debian"

Warning: gnome-config-daemon considered more dangerous than GOTO

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