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Re: behavior of sudo -E

On 08/07/14 15:42, Harry Putnam wrote:
I must be miss-understanding the usage of sudo's option `-E' (preserve users

One would think that tools found along user path would then be
available to `sudo'

Here is what puzzles me:

-------       -------       ---=---       -------       -------
   ls -l /merb/dv/home/harry/scripts/enw  <= custom script on $PATH

   -rwxr-xr-x 1 harry nfsu 194 Jul  8 10:24 /merb/dv/home/harry/scripts/enw

    harry $ echo $PATH (filtered)

    . . . . . . . . . . [...] /merb/dv/home/harry/scripts: [...]   . .

    harry $ which enw:

-------       -------       ---=---       -------       -------
And now testing sudo -E
-------       -------       ---=---       -------       -------

    harry $ sudo -E echo $PATH (filtered)

    . . . . . . . . . [...] /merb/dv/home/harry/scripts: [...] . . . . .

OK, so far sudo -E has retained the $PATH env of user `harry' that
leads to the script in question.

However, in that case I do not understand this behavior below:

   sudo -E which enw

   {no output}

   sudo -E enw

   sudo: enw: command not found

-------       -------       ---=---       -------       -------

It seems sudo -E has the right $PATH env, but cannot find a tool along
that path.

I believe it's to do with the "secure_path" setting in /etc/sudoers. This forces the user to have a "sane" PATH variable when using sudo.

There's nothing to stop you running your program using a full or relative filename though.


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