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Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

On Sat, 31 May 2014 12:26:01 -0400
Gary Dale <garydale@torfree.net> wrote:

> Any ideas on what would be causing a periodic slowdown in KDE? Or any 
> suggestions on how to identify the source of the problem?

This is pure guess, not a valid troubleshooting diagnostic test, but
back in the days when I had KDE libraries on my machine and used Kmail,
occasionally a KDE-initiated dbus-daemon process would go rogue and
consume upward of 95% of my CPU, sometimes 99%. I "Cured" the problem
with a script that hunted down long-running (5 seconds or more) 95% plus
dbus-daemon instances. Nowadays I have no KDE libraries or programs, so
I no longer use my script.

Top or htop would show what's burning up your CPU, or perhaps memory.

If it turns around it's rogue dbus-daemon processes, I can give you my



Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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