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Re: Question

Cameron Murgatroyd wrote:
> Hi I've recently become a frequent user of debian and I have a question if
> I were to want to make a .deb package for a game hack and to do it I needed
> to delete some files from the users file system before my files go in how
> would I do it?

Packages are associated with the system.  There are no system files in
the /home directory.  It would be a serious policy violation for an
official Debian package to reach into a user's $HOME directory and
change things there.  However if you are making a private package for
your own use only then of course you are free to do anything
non-standard that you wished to do.  But most of us would probably say
it is still a bad idea to do something like that in a .deb package.

There have been various questions asking exactly what you are wanting
to do.  Hard to help without knowing.  But let me guess that you would
like to modify dot files that control the game.  These are things that
the user could do themselves but automating the changes could be

For a case such as that I think it would be best to package up the
helper script and then simply have the user call the script that makes
the change.  The package installs the script in /usr/bin/myfooscript
and the user simply calls the script to have it edit their files for
them.  That would seem to be fine.


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