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Re: lightdm (1.8.5-2 and -3) didn't run .profile .xinitrc ..... etc

Sorry, I retest my system. I think lighdm did run .xsession   .
but I don't understand why it can't source profile?

I write this in my .xsessionrc
if ! [ "$SPPMG_PROFILE" == "y" ] ; then
    export SPPMG_TEST="y"
    source ~/.profile
expert SPPMG_RUN="xsessionrc"
the SPPMG_PROFILE set in .profile , so if sourced .profile , "$SPPMG_PROFILE" == "y"

In kdm , I get  SPPMG_PROFILE ,  SPPMG_RUN and setting in ~/.profile

in lightdm , I get SPPMG_TEST , SPPMG_RUN, but didn't source ~/.profile.

Look like kdm will run .profile first, and lightdm will not , but I don't understand  why I can't get effect in "source ~/.profile " . Maybe because "bash variable scope" .

So maybe it's not bug, just my mistake.  :)

Thinks your help.

2014/1/8 Slavko <linux@slavino.sk>

Dňa Wed, 8 Jan 2014 20:22:53 +0800 spp mg <sm.sppmg@gmail.com> napísal:

> Hi all.
> I found a "problem" with lightdm , It will not run
> ~/.profile
> ~/.xprofile
> ~/.xinitrc
> ~/.xsession        .
> but kdm will run these script in same system . (even if ~/.proflie
> only)
> Anyone get same result ? Is it a bug ?

Is it somewhere standardized? If yes, then be free to fill bugreport.
If not, then different behavior is not a bug.

Be me knowledge the:

+ ~/.xsession is for Xsession customization (man xsession)
+ ~/.profile is for console logins (i am not sure now if local only or
  remote too)
+ ~/.xinitrc is for xinit (man xinit)
+ purpose of the ~/.xprofile is unknown for me, it is not
  sourced/executed in my system

The LightDM sources the ~/.xsessionrc file (for me).



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