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Some objections (was Re: Package Request)

There are easier to understand and more tolerant licenses than those usually used for Linux.

More tolerance does not means better.

If GPL is demanding it's because it is a clever hack meant to prevent anybody
from taking something free (as in freedom, but also free of charge as a consequence of freedom of sharing the code) and turning it into something that is not.

You can agree with it or not, but FSF supplies a list of licenses compatible with GPL.

Said that, your advice to be careful with licenses is very wise.

It's like using Emacs, very complicated.

Emacs predates the CUA standard, very different, therefore very strange, very much richer but not complicated.

Commands are usually bound to keys on a mnemonic basis (problem: mnemonic but in English only), with many command operating on character, word or paragraph according to the use of Control, Meta (aka Alt) or both. Furthermore commands that ar e used more get a shorter invocation. I can tell more if requested, that is enoughrt for this OT.

Gian Uberto Lauri
Messaggio inviato da un tablet

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