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Re: Best Mail Client

On Wed, December 4, 2013 2:06 am, David Baron wrote:
> KMail is a mess right now.
> Messages not readable until kmail restart
> Broken mail resources until kde restart
> etc.
I'm not finding this.
But then I'm not running KMail as a solo app, either. I'm running it in
coordination with the full kdepim package, so if some are having trouble
with it, there could be some interdependency factor involved.

The best mail client depends completely on individual need. I have basic
business requirement and Kontact takes care of what I need without a full
Kolab install on a server, but if I were to grow, that facility is there.
If I were a solo user, I wouldn't go to this trouble or footprint, and
just use something like icedove with iceowl extension or claws mail.


"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its  government."
 -- Thomas Paine

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