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Re: How to enable cURL php extension in Apache2?

On 6/1/2013 4:34 PM, Csanyi Pal wrote:
Csanyi Pal <csanyipal@gmail.com> writes:

Jerry Stuckle <jstuckle@attglobal.net> writes:

On 6/1/2013 3:21 PM, Csanyi Pal wrote:
Csanyi Pal <csanyipal@gmail.com> writes:


I just upgraded Squeeze to Wheezy, and have difficulties with cURL PHP
extension: I can't enable it.

I have installed following packages related to this issue:
curl, libcurl3, libcurl3-gnutls, php5-curl.

I know that cURL extension is not enabled because I want to install
Moodle and it complains about cURL extension.

How can I solve this problem?

I have in
; configuration for php CURL module
; priority=20

Still doesn't work cURL. Why?

What do you have in /etc/php5/mods-enabled?

I even haven't the /etc/php5/mods-enabled/ directory.

Instead, I have this symbolic link:

that pointing to the:
-> ../mods-available/curl.ini

Sorry - you're right.  Got that mixed up with the Apache mods.

cURL *should* be installed then.

I've never worked with Moodle, but a quick glance indicates it's a web application running under Apache. After installing the cURL extensions, you did restart Apache, correct?

You can prove if cURL is installed under the Apache version of PHP (not the same as the CLI version) with a simple page containing only:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

This will show all extensions loaded. If cURL is listed, then you should follow up with Moodle (incorrect test for cURL?). If it is not listed, we need to follow up more - what does it say the config file you're using is?

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