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Re: mutt seg faults on wheezy

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 11:28:00PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Lu, 20 mai 13, 12:12:58, Tony Baldwin wrote:
> > 
> > 0kay, I found it (~/.mutt/cache/headers).
> > Deleted it, and not seeing the segfaults.
> I also confirm this. For me it happens sometimes when I access the 'All 
> Mail' folder on my Gmail account. When it does I delete its header cache 
> and the it works for a while. Maybe some message with a strange header 
> triggers the bug?
> > I also replaced mutt with mutt-patched.
> > Either one of these may have been the solution, for all I know.
> Unlikely, mutt-patched only includes the sidebar patch.

That's what I thought, but a colleague had suggested it.
I don't even like the sidebar. Probably going to back to unpatched ol'

art, music, software by me, tony

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