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Re: Searching for process filling root FS.

Good time of the day, Stan.

Thank You, Stan, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

> If you only have 100MiB free space in your root filesystem, that is
> normally a bad situation.

Why ?
> What daemons are running?  What applications are you running?  Desktop
> or server workload?

Well, it is desktop w/ about 20-30 services starting from by init.
Which exactly you are concerned about?

> Temp files of some kind?

I'm trying to figure that out. That i also suppose to be: something
does its work then releases the occupied space. 

> > The interesting point is that though total free disk spaces are
> > different for the amount of MiB, yet every dir. size is the same or
> > 2-3 of it differs no more that 1 MiB.
> > 
> > So question is, how it may be? Is it so large calculations drift ?
> What filesystem is this?
It is ext4 .


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