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Re: Deadline for jessie init system choice

Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Tom H wrote:
> > But the earlier in the cycle that a decision is taken, the better.
> So if I later today set up Debian stable, I better directly drop init
> and install systemd during installation?

No.  In Debian Stable today the default is sysvinit and everything has
been tested to work with it.  In Stable today trying to use systemd
will cause problems because all of the migrations needed for it to
work easily haven't been made.  A few souls have put in the effort to
make the switch but it isn't a stock solution yet.  If you want to
experiment with systemd then the best place to do that would be in
Sid/Unstable but it isn't clean there yet either.

> IOW, Debian will drop init and will switch to systemd in the future?

That may or may not happen depending upon many things.  As Yoda said,
"Difficult to see.  Always in motion is the future."  I am sure there
are bookies somewhere taking bets upon it.

In the future if Debian changes to a new init then it will be set up
such that there is an upgrade path from one to the other.  Because
there are *lots* of Debian machines out in the world and Debian is all
about being able to upgrade.  I have one system that use to be a Woody
system at one time but has been continuously upgraded since.  Then
simply upgrade from the previous Stable to the next Stable.  Read the
release notes for any special instructions at upgrade time.


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