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Changing Week start


regarding locales and my user account, I have kind of strange
taste, but I would like to know if it's possible to achieve
this (or at least indicate my preference to applications):

*   As a language of display (e.g. GUI messages), I want to use

*   As date format, I want to use Czech standard, e.g.

       "Út, 31.12.2013 13:45:31" for last day of this
       year, quarter to 2pm plus 31 seconds

*   When a week is displayed, I want to see Monday as the first

Of course I never had problem with the first one.

Time format can be specified using LC_TIME along with things
like paper format and monetary format, although most of the
time I just tweak it in the app (since it's usually only
xfce4-datetime-plugin where I really care).

However, I have yet to find a proper way how to define first
day of week.  Is this possible?   Or is there an ongoing
attempt to add this to standard LC_* arsenal as well?


PS: Although I said that my taste is strange, I suspect this
might be valid case for any English-speaking citizen living in
a non-English environment:  basically you want all in your
native language, except for things like dates, timetables and
prices, where you want to be consistent with what you see
everywhere around you.  (Disclaimer: I'm not that case, I'm
native Czech, I just prefer English for GUIs and WWW to avoid
distraction from incorrect/incomplete translations and to
learn English better.  And to explore new use cases ;))

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