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Re: Questions about new hardware & Debian (or Linux in general)

On 12/11/13 09:03, Jon N wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been a Debian user for I'd guess 7 or 8 years now.  I would
> like to thank all of you that helped create a system that is so
> useful.  Despite using it for so long I am far from a power users, I
> basically rely on the fact that it works well (or if it doesn't it
> will soon :-)).
> My current computer is also about that old and I am finally planning
> on buying some new hardware.  A lot of stuff has changed in that time
> that's new to me, so I would like to ask some general questions before
> I purchase to save some potential headaches later.

Good idea.

> I guess one of the 1st issues I might have to deal with is UEFI, since
> if there are any issues with that it could show up when trying to
> install the OS.  At the moment I'm not planning on installing another
> OS on the computer, but that may change.  I do have Windows XP on my
> current system, but I will probably leave it there.  I have considered
> installed another Linux distribution in the future just to see how it
> may be different.  Hopefully different distributions of Linux will
> play nicely, at least as far as the question of UEFI.
> So, to sum it up, what do I need to know about Linux, or Debian, and UEFI?

The answer is contextual and you haven't supplied the context (what do
you know, what are you looking at buying, what needs to be known about
it). We could guess at an answer but at best you'd get more information
than you'd need. :)
e.g. the "issues" associated with UEFI will depend on the hardware,
unless you are planning on regularly building new boxen a specific
answer is likely most useful.

Perhaps a better solution is to suggest 'how' you can find the best
answer (least irrelevant information).
I usually recommend people research hardware to match their
requirements, then check that hardware for support. The second step
simply requires a search engine so you can see whether people are having
problems with that hardware and what, if any, solutions apply. e.g.:-

(with portable devices there are a couple of sites I check for
build/install guides)

1. List requirements
2. List hardware that meets requirements
3. Check for Debian support/issues
4. Find best prices for chosen hardware
5. Purchase hardware
6. Plan build
7. Build
[8. Beer]

> Thanks,
> Jon

Kind regards

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