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Re: Connectivity issues on wheezy

Roman Gelfand wrote:
> For couple of months, now, I have this postfix smtp gateway on debian
> wheezy during which I had no problems with connectivity.  Now, after
> couple of minutes I get disconnected from putty ssh session.  The
> issue is not only there.  Apache web server self updating cgi site
> dies after a while.
> How can I troubleshoot this?

Start by becoming familiar with the /var/log/* log files.  Look
through them and see if you find anything that gives clues to the
problem.  Start with these files:


What you are describing sounds like something not specific to any one
program but across all of them.  Therefore I suspect one of several

  * bad memory dimm, causing memory errors, causing process death
  * bad motherboard, causing general errors, causing process death
  * kernel bug, hitting processes
  * not enough memory, causing Linux out-of-memory killer to be
    activated and the oom is killing your active processes
  * cable problems in your system, disk drive cable causing I/O
    transfer corruption between storage and system
  * possibly a failing disk drive
  * an endless list of other possibilities

Those are just ideas.  To check systems I will try to look for
specific problems.  Run 'memtest86' or 'memtest86+' to look for ram
problems.  Being a hardware guy I will disassemble the machine and
re-assemble it.  Because connectors tend to be unreliable.  Carefully
unplugging and plugging back in connectors will scrub them a little
bit and can improve a fix connection.

I will look to see how much memory is available.  I like the 'htop'
program for this.  It gives a nice bar graph that spacially shows the
amount of memory used and where.  If there is still a significant
amount of memory used for file system buffer cache then life is good.
If not then file system buffer cache suffers.  But as for a possible
problem for you if there isn't enough virtual memory then the Linux
kernel will invoke the out-of-memory killer which will start killing
off active processes.  Ensure that you have enough to avoid the OOM
killer.  (Or disable it entirely.  I have ranted about turning off the
OOM killer before.)

I would check the disk drive with smartctl.  Is it logging errors?
Run SMART tests and check the results.  SMART isn't a good predictor
of failure but sometimes it does confirm failure.

Hopefully those ideas help.  Good luck!


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