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Re: XFCE is slow on Acer One netbook - suggestions?

Le 17.10.2013 10:09, Helmut Wollmersdorfer a écrit :
4) Install XFCE without removing Gnome, because I need the
convenience of the network-manager (I use the netbook in a dozen
different locations/networks)

#services --status-all

And check if you can remove some services.
Network manager does not depends on gnome, it's gnome which depends on it. Plus, there are others which works fine too (but I can not remember the names).

It's still slow.

Some useless gnome stuff must be started in background.

And some features of the graphical design are missing, which have an
impact on usability, e.g. the active tab in gedit is not highlighted.

This is a theme problem, I think.

What should I do?

a) use my heavy Lenovo Laptop (+2.3kg), wide-screen, multicore, 4 GB
(has already Squeeze with KDE)

b) try to tune XFCE on the Acer One

c) buy a new small, powerful, lightweight Lenovo (I like the nibble:-)

Alternatives A and C does not resolve the fact that your old computer should run fine. I have a netbook with 1GB or ram and when I used XFCE I had no speed problem, at least when I was not using GCC to compile stuff :p (using clang fixed that problem btw).

Alternatives a) and c) do not solve the pain of choosing a "good
enough" desktop environment for Debian Wheezy.

What about selecting the tools you need and build your own yourself, software per software? It takes some time, but you will be able to troubleshoot problems in it faster than anyone else ;)
Otherwise, you can try LXDE, it's a quite nice DE too imo.

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