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Mutt / addressbook


I'm trying to use the abook app to add an anddressbook into mut (If im correct it uses alias)

Here is what i have done so far

wajing install abook

(wajing, apt-get, aptitude) = same thing

Edit your ~/.muttrc file to include a macro for abook

set alias_file=~/.mutt-alias
source ~/.mutt-alias
set query_command= "abook --mutt-query '%s'" macro index,pager A "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>" "add the sender address to abook

If you have no ~/.mutt-alias, be sure to create one before running mut

touch ~/.mutt-alias

Once i run mutt i get an error

Error in /home/jcbjoe/.muttrc, line 87: macro: unknown variable
source: errors in /home/jcbjoe/.muttrc

sed -n -87p .muttrc shows me this

set query_command= "abook --mutt-query '%s'" macro index,pager A "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>" "add the sender address to abook"

Any ideas


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