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Re: Fake fulfilled dependency without dummy package

On Sat, 2013-08-17 at 17:40 +0100, "Karl E. Jørgensen" wrote:
> Technically, a dummy package is never "needed"

Hi Karl,

I disagree, in the past years I build a pulseaudio package because it
was needed. Now I need to fake that pulseaudio and gvfs are installed,
because Debian and Ubuntu follow upstream and add them as hard
dependency to some packages, but they are a PITA and definitely optional
dependencies. At least I want audio working and not be forced to install
crap, that will kill my external HDD.

JFTR I've got a professional sound card installed and even if pulseaudio
always could be turned off without causing side effects, I won't install
bad designed software I don't like. My HDD fulfills the EU Regulation,
IOW it will park after a while, but gvfs will make drives that fulfil
the EU Regulation spin down and up again and again, it's completely
broken software nobody with modern external drives should install.

Resume, a dummy always is needed, when upstream and/or package builders
will make Linux less good to customize, but we want to install packages
from repositories.

A pulseaudio dummy package doesn't cause issues, as already mentioned I
installed this package within the last years very often. I don't know if
a gvfs dummy will cause any issue, but since it's possible to run Thunar
without gvfs, I guess other packages can live without it too.


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