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Re: build-essential question

Dear Πρεκατές,

Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος wrote:
> first contains   (dpkg-dev,gcc,make,libc) and another one with a longer list 
> with smaller utilities like (bash,coreutils,grep,gzip,...) . But the build-
> essential package depends on package  mentiononed only in the first list. So 
> how will the second list be enforced?

APT/dpkg knows the ‘Essential’ flag which forces the package to be
present on the system. If you want to remove an essential package,
you’ll meet this prompt:

# apt-get remove bash
You are about to do something potentially harmful.
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'
 ?] ^C

hence it is generally not necessary to depend on such packages[0].



[0] cf. the second sentence in the fourth paragraph
    of section 3.8 of the Debian Policy at 
Please don’t CC me.

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