Hi there Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Lu, 06 mai 13, 11:17:11, Rob van der Putten wrote:
There have been reports about grub errors when upgrading from Squeeze to Wheezy. This occurs hen using a 'special' filesystem such as raid or lvm. EG; ~# grub-install /dev/sda /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Your core.img is unusually large. It won't fit in the embedding area.. /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume. This is caused by a core.img> 31232 bytes. The solution is to start the first partition at the 2nd cylinder or further. There is nothing about this in the release notes. Does this mean that this problem no longer exists? Or is it a release notes bug?
Does this happen for default/common/etc LVM/RAID setups? If it only happens in some unusual combination then it's probably not worth documenting it in the Release Notes (but a bug against the correct packages would still make sense).
It's LVM on top of raid1. Which AFAIK is not extremely rare.The /boot/grub/core.img on Squeeze is 23924 bytes. On Wheezy it's 31987 bytes. My swap is not on raid or LVM and starts at cylinder 1. So reducing the swap size by starting it a bit further should work.
Otherwise feel free to ask on -doc or even open a bug against the package release-notes. Do provide an accurate (reproducible) description of the problem and if possible also suggested text for inclusion (or even a patch).
Regards, Rob