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Re: Scheduling btrfs scrub on desktop systems

On Tue, 2013-04-02 at 07:30 -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 12:12:10PM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 01, 2013 at 05:25:48PM +0200, Steven Post wrote:
> > > But what if the system is powered down during a scrub? Will it continue
> > > when it boots up again?
> > > All assuming the scrub is started with 'btrfs scrub start -B <path>'.
> > 
> > Why not start a scrub on reboot via @reboot in cron, too. Or would you
> > prefer it if you didn't always scrub upon boot?
> On my newly built system, a btrfs scrub across two disks (data
> and metadata both RAID1) runs at about 10GB per minute. That's
> GB of data/metadata in-use, not disk capacity. Still, when you
> have a 2TB filesystem that's mostly full, a scrub will take more
> than three hours.

As Dan mentions here, a scrub could easily take over 3 hours, depending
on the data size, so it seems like a bad idea to run it at every
startup, which is effectively daily. For reference, my last scrub on a 6
disk raid 10 btrfs system took 6549 seconds, just under 2 hours, with
3.32 TB scrubbed.

I'm thinking weekly or even monthly.

> You can't stop people shutting down their systems, but you can
> pause a scrub.
> btrfs scrub cancel DEVICE
> in the shutdown script, and
> btrfs scrub resume DEVICE
> in the startup script will pick it up from where it left off.

Excellent, if I'm reading this and the man page correctly, I can put
'btrfs scrub start -B <path>' into anacron and add the cancel command to
the shutdown script.
Then a cronjob with @reboot that executes the following script:
SCRUBRESULT=`btrfs scrub resume -B <path>`
if ! echo "$SCRUBRESULT" | grep -q "nothing to resume" ; then
    echo "$SCRUBRESULT"

That should do it right?

> Or, you could solve this with a social cue: "please don't turn
> off desktops on weekends. We run maintenance then."

In a first stage I plan to do this on 2 of my own devices, a desktop and
a laptop, but if possible I don't want to leave the devices powered on
unless necessary.

> -dsr-

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