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Re: Debian Wheezy and Command-shell Browser Output

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:14:14AM -0600, Martin McCormick wrote:
> 	I use Debian Wheezy with the speakup kernel modules that
> make it possible for computer users who are blind to access the
> system. The particular hardware I am using should run gnome with
> orka but tell that to the box and see how far that gets you.
> 	Right now, bash command-line operation is all I have. I
> need to be able to access a couple of NetGear routers whose
> interfaces are heavily infested with javascript and optimized
> for Internet Explorer.
> 	While searching for text-mode browsers and javascript, I
> found a virtual package called www-browser and thought it might
> be able to call iceweasel in such a way as to get it to run and
> produce text output.
> 	What www-browser does is to call lynx, something I have
> been able to do for 12 years or so.

www-browser is, as you spotted, a virtual package. That basically means
it's just a place-holder in the dependency tree. Say I have a package
which requires a web browser. I don't want to have to depend on "firefox
or iceweasel or chrome or netscape or opera or ....". Instead I depend
on "www-browser", which is provided by each of the major web browsers
(including iceweasel and lynx).

So, in other words, "www-browser" isn't a specific program. It can't do
anything more than any of your existing browsers can do because it is,
basically, any of those browsers.

To address your other concern, though, have you looked to see if there's
a telnet console on your router? Alternatively, have you spoken to
NetGear about how they address the accessibility issue (I'm guessing
they don't).

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