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Re: make command understanding

Le 31.01.2013 13:15, Muhammad Yousuf Khan a écrit :
Thanks all , thanks for the detailed answer but do you think compiling
is a good solution to go-with, except installing the package from
repository. i have heard that  people always suggest to install
packages from repository not by compiling. i know repo should contain
old release but stable one however, for more option and newer releases
one should need to compile it from source.

but my question is, what pros do normally ?

I do not know what "pro" (I guess you are speaking about pro administrators, which I am not) do normally, but I can say that installing packages is safer and easier:
_ easier to remove
_ easier to maintain
_ tried by other (at least, by people who made them)
_ they can be signed
_ less dependencies (no need to install all *-dev packages of their dependencies, and their own dependencies, same for makefile generators: someone has spoken about ./configure, but there is also cmake, qmake, scons, and many other)

Generally speaking, I think using distro's packages is ideal. Then, if you think they are too old, try to install developers' packages. If they does not exists, compile the software.

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