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Re: moving from Kubuntu 10.4 to squeeze

Hi Mark,

Am Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013 schrieb Mark Allums:
> The most noticeable difference to me has been the lack of drivers.  You
> are pretty much on your own finding drivers for things.  Debian supports
> older hardware quite well, but there is usually a long wait for it.
> Upgrades from release to release are more tricky than Ubuntu.  It is
> sometimes easiest to just install the new version "clean".

Now I wonder in which parallel universe you live.

From my perception Debian is the *mother* of upgradeability. The only 
occassion I ever re-installed a private box I remember is this 64-bit 
installation, since upgrading from 32- to 64-bit is indeed not officially 
supported :)

Really, the Debian before started as Sarge on a T23. Its is a Wheezy/Sid 
mixture on this T23 and it is a Wheezy/Sid mixture on the T42. All upgraded.

Also about drivers: It depends mostly on the kernel version. If Squeeze´s 
2.6.32 gives problems, a 3.2 one from backports.debian.org may do.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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