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Re: setting device for DVD drive

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 09:35:29PM -0500, Rob Owens wrote:
> I just replaced my old DVD drive on my Squeeze system.  It used to show
> up as /dev/dvd (which may have been a symlink to another device -- I'm
> not sure).  The new drive shows up as /dev/dvd3 which is a symlink to
> /dev/sr0.
> How can I change it back to /dev/dvd?  All my dvd-related software (vlc,
> mplayer, etc) is looking for /dev/dvd.  I'd rather change the device file 
> for my new dvd drive than change the config for all of my software.
I found the answer myself.  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules
controls those device names.  In my case, I simply removed the file and
it was recreated on the next boot, but it returned my DVD drive to


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