I think yes, if I understood correctly, he needs a way for people from inside to report his government's amoral/illegal actions. Using a website is one way in so many others to show those reports, I guess.You're not wrong but would the OP be posting to a web site?
About mails, it is the same: if the sender does not use encryption systems of mailing standards, then stuff is in clear, otherwise, he is able to encrypt what he send, even when he did not reached the "secured area" given by first server/proxy.If the recipient doesn't use encryption, and most don't, he/she can't read the message.....or did I misread your reply.
You read correctly. You are true, but is not the problem the same for browsers? Of course, nowadays, they are configured to be able to support encryption? Well, I can not say I really know how secured connection works, so I probably said some stupid things.