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Re: Local copy of ALL man pages

Chris Davies wrote:
Richard Owlett <rowlett@cloud85.net> wrote:
To clarify my motivation:
   1. divorce myself {as much as possible} from the web -
I'm on dial-up.
   2. access all man pages {whether or not package
installed} using the man command.

Would it be reasonable to utilise a manpage cache with dial-on-demand,

absolutely _*NOT*_!!!!!!!!

My specification explicitly says NO connection whatsoever to the internet. Now whether anyone other than myself considers that a [insert adjective implying sanity] restriction is moot ;/

so that pages are delivered from local storage whenever possible, but
that they are retrieved from somewhere remote if necessary?

You'd need some form of negative caching to catch frequently misspelled
words, and you might want to enforce some form of timeout on the locally
cached pages.

Hmmm. This is now starting to sound like a web proxy

No, proxies presume at least occasional connectivity ;/

... perhaps see


BTH friends/relatives/acquaintances consider me strange.

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