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Re: logcheck and bug #657641

On Thu 03 Jan 2013 at 17:27:56 +0000, Sharon Kimble wrote:

> I am seeing lots of emails like this from logcheck '/usr/sbin/logcheck:
> line 100: kill: (10554) - No such process' which is bug  #657641, and there
> is a patch provided. How do I apply that patch please to my 'logcheck' in
> wheezy please?

Open /sbin/logcheck in an editor. Find

        if [ -n "$LOCK" ]; then
            debug "cleanup: Killing lockfile-touch - $LOCK"
	    kill "$LOCK" && unset LOCK

Replace the third line with

        kill -0 $LOCK && kill "$LOCK" && unset LOCK

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