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Re: Installation

Am Sonntag, 9. September 2012 schrieb Weaver:
> > Don't know about Debian, it's been a while since I installed that,
> > but I have installed a few others,
> > and in most cases the only things you have to input are your
> > language, your keyboard, and your
> > time zone. And whether you will use the  system time.  (Thunderbird
> > requires a few inputs, but
> > they're the same in Windows.)  That doesn't seem very complicated to
> > me. . . .
> Well, no, it isn't.
> But we are talking about Debian.
> Specifically partitioning/file system decision making during install.
> Regards,

So you tried expert mode and also selected manual partitioning. Then the 
installer offers you to do just that.

This seems like deciding to eat an apple and then complaining that it 
tastes like… an apple. If you choose manual partitioning you get to do 
just that. And I love that I can do it. The last time I tried a Windows 
installer partitioning choices were so limited that I wished I had a 
Debian installer to install Windows. Also the partitioning tool within the 
Windows installer has been very cumbersome. This has been quite some time 
and they may have improved this, but still…

Use guided partitioning and be done with it in case you do not know much 
about partitions. The Debian installer has guided partitioning with and 
without LVM since quite some time.

I just don´t get what you are complaining about.

Do you have any *factual* and *concrete* issues with the Debian installer? 
Anything that you could put a finger at and show it to us? Then even better 
show it to the Debian installer team. I think they´d like constructive, 
concrete and helpful feedback.

If you just like to complain, then better do not even bother to contact 
the Debian installer team.

Thats at least my advice.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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