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Re: Playing Video - More questions -- Please --- some answers -- I'm stuck

On Fri, 25 May 2012 01:06:39 -0400, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:


> Let us assume that the file is foo.avi
> 1] What is the command line, using mencoder, for converting foo.avi to
> foo.mov.


The key here is the support for Apple Quicktime format (.mov). May I ask 
why are you interested in that media container?

> 2]  What is the command line, using mplayer, for playing foo.mov.


> 3] What is the HTML5  code, using with the <video> tag, for playing
> foo.mov.



But pelase, make us (us → Internet users) a favor and consider using 
whatever open source video container you prefer instead that mov 
thingy ;-)

> 4] Using the answer to #2, can we force foo.mov to be played with
> mplayer.

Kindly expand that... file association (mime types) are defined within 
your DE or VM and thus is a user dependant setting.

>    a]    I do not seem to be able to fine a mplayer plug-in. 

A plugin for your browser? What browser?

>   b]    I understand that Quicktime will play foo.mov.  How do I
> force that to happen?  I have the plug-in, but seems that I cannot find
> in the preferences an option to force the Quicktime plugin.

Quicktime should dissapear in the same way flashplayer should. That said, 
it's ages since I have not opened a mov file (neither locally nor embedded 
inside html code) though my "about:plugins" page says it could be possible:

QuickTime Plug-in 7.2.0

    Archivo: libtotem-narrowspace-plugin.so
    The Totem 2.22.2 plugin handles video and audio streams.

Tipo MIME 		Descripción 				Sufijos
video/quicktime 	vídeo QuickTime 			mov
video/mp4 		vídeo MPEG-4 				mp4
image/x-macpaint 	imagen en mapa de bits de MacPaint 	pntg
image/x-quicktime 	imagen QuickTime 			pict, pict1, pict2
video/x-m4v 		vídeo MPEG-4 				m4v



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