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Re: Help New Debian User to install

On Tue 22 May 2012 at 12:20:14 +0200, felix chisoni wrote:


> I have managed to downloaded the debian-6.0.5-i386-iso
> (191.00mb-napoleon.um.se) and copied it on a CD.  It is a small
> installation image from Debian website. This morning, I was trying to
> install it for testing. Whilst it was scanning the mirrors, It
> indicated this
> warning "Bad archive mirror). It appears the reason is my poor
> internet connection. I am expecting to work overnight when the speed
> improves.
> I am not sure if I have made any mistake.

The problem is not particularily the speed but how reliable the
connection is and whether it has been configured correctly. You do not
mention any difficulty with setting up the network (you are using DHCP?)
but 'Bad archive mirror' can be the result of not being able to resolve
the mirror's address using DNS.

If it happens again do:

1. Switch to a console with Alt+F2 or Control+Alt+F2 and activate it.

2. Run the command 'wget' or 'wget'.

3. Run 'wget www.debian.org'.

If index.html is downloaded in step 2 but not in step 3 you have a DNS

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