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Re: gpg/pgp noise

Hopefully not reigniting this...

On Ma, 08 mai 12, 05:43:17, Indulekha wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting this with most gog/pgp-signed mails received 
> from this list (using mutt):

This part has been solved, but since it is highly unlikely for you to 
have a trust path to my key you'll still get a block of 5 or so lines 
telling you that the message is properly signed, but there is no 
indication that the key belongs to the user (i.e. no trust path).

Sorry, I'm trying to get my key in the Debian web-of-trust soonish, but 
I understand you already have filters for that.
I have a few other technical remarks that I'm adding here instead of 
digging a specific message to reply:

@Indulekha and other squeeze+mutt users:
beware of a bug where mutt incorrectly sends GPG/MIME signatures with 

This is not a problem for mutt itself, but for example Gmail will 
(correctly) quote the entire GPG signature on reply to such messages. 
Fixed in 1.5.21 (available from squeeze-backports).

At least in my experience Mailman is NOT breaking GPG/MIME. I know of at 
least 4 different Mailman installations (including 
lists.alioth.debian.org) that work fine.

Assuming the issues with Mailman + GPG/MIME are not at your end[1], did 
you consider signing inline only to those specific lists? I'd be amazed 
if Thunderbird/Icedove can't do this (for mutt it's trivial with a send- 
or a folder-hook).

[1] You could BCC yourself and compare the message with the one received 
from the mailing list. Also consider any mail server on the way, I've 
read rumors of Microsoft Exchange messing with messages (especially 

Kind regards,
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