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filesystem/block-level deduplication (was Re: zfs-fuse or zfsonlinux)

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 07:14:36AM -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> A word of caution: as tempting as deduplication might be, avoid it. Unless
> you have significant RAM, and a fast RAID-0 SSD ZIL, I would advise against
> it. It causes massive performance problems, and the benefit isn't worth the
> cost. On the other hand, enabling compression is very much worth it. LZJB
> is fast, and massive gains can be achieved with little effort. Just my
> two-cents.

I've wanted to try filesystem-level dedup for a long time and I've heard
many reports on the ZFS implementation that are in line with what you've
said, which is a shame.

I don't know if I just have very strange usage patterns compared to everyone
else but I've always *felt* that I'd benefit from FS/block dedupe. Especially
when my backup volume fills because I've moved an enormous part of the FS
tree from one place to another, and it's considered a copy/delete by my backup
software (rdiff-backup) rather than a 'move'.

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