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Re: Xen vs KVM

On 27/03/12 14:32, Aaron Toponce wrote:
IMO, Xen isn't "yesterday's virtualization technology". It's very
current, stable, flexible, supported and very much "today's
virtualization technology".

For me, it became yesterday's technology when it became apparent that
the hypervisor model (putting an entirely new kernel between Linux and
the hardware) created all sorts of performance problems, and neglected
the decades of work that had gone into the Linux network stack, amongst
other parts. Increasingly ugly hacks were (are) needed to pass through
to the privileged domain, all of which is totally unnecessary with the
KVM model, where the (much more) tried and tested Linux kernel goes on
the bottom of the pile.

Paravirtualisation had a brief moment of popularity before VT hardware
became so prevelant to make it unnecessary any more.  PV was basically
the USP of Xen back in the day.

I sympethize that you have faced problems with KVM that you hadn't seen
with Xen.  I've had the opposite experience myself.

In general I think the management tools are much more important than the
base VM tech.

Jon Dowland

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