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Re: How to monitor the internet bandwidth eater ?

On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:12:19 +0530, J. Bakshi wrote:
On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 10:57:08 +0200
Gilles Mocellin <gilles.mocellin@nuagelibre.org> wrote:


a lot here ....


You should see interesting things with Ntop. If not, perhaps your
client don't really go through your gateway ?

Yes, ntop is always exciting. But in my debian box the browser view shows


Please enable make sure that the ntop html/ directory is properly installed


Any clue ??

Ntop should be run as root.
You should run it as a daemon, via the init script.
But, if it didn't ask you at install time,
Ntop should be run once as a command, to set the admin password, with the -A or --set-admin-password option.

From where do you have installed ntop ?

Ntop is not in squeeze, but there is a Debian package in squeeze-backports.
$ apt-show-versions -a ntop
ntop 3:4.0.3+dfsg1-3~bpo60+1 install ok installed
ntop 3:4.0.3+dfsg1-3~bpo60+1 squeeze-backports aptsrc.global.local:9999
No stable version
ntop 3:4.99.0-rc+ndpi5237+dfsg1-1 sid aptsrc.global.local:9999
ntop/squeeze-backports uptodate 3:4.0.3+dfsg1-3~bpo60+1

I've just installed it now and it works without any manipulation except from setting the admin password at install time.

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