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Re: Installing Debian as VirtualBox guest - which videodriver to install?

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Csanyi Pal <csanyipal@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just installed on my Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid host on VirtualBox
> the Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid as guset using the
> http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/amd64/daily/netboot/mini.iso
> so I get virtual consoles but not a desktop environment.
> I don't know whichvideodriver to install to get X Window on guest
> system?
> On host system I have installed xserver-xorg-video-nvidia. Should I
> install it on the guest system too?


virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 will give you seamless screen display. I also
recommend virtualbox-ose-guest-utils, virtualbox-ose-guest-source and
virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms. These package names are for squeeze but
work in wheezy/sid (transitional packages). The packages
virtualbox-dkms may also be needed if not already installed, not sure.
If the guest dkms module build fails, install it.

To have all the video drivers installed install xserver-xorg and
xserver-xorg-video-all. xserver-xorg-video-all will not install
non-free drivers and will make sure you have vesa available.
xserver-xorg-video-all is a package that can be safely removed later
if you really want to remove some of the drivers installed.

To install a desktop install the -session package of the preferred
desktop (lxsession, xfce4-session, gnome-session, etc) and xinit to
use startx. To use a desktop manager just install one (kdm, gdm3,
lightdm, etc).

You don't need nvidia drivers in the guest, you need the virtualbox
drivers, even for 3d accel in guest.

Hope it helps.

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