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Re: how to increase space for tmpfs /tmp

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Camaleón <noelamac@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 11:00:49 -0600, Javier Vasquez wrote:
>> 2012/3/24 Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>:
>>> shirish शिरीष wrote:
>>>> I got this error, does anybody know how I can give more space to tmpfs
>>>> ?
>>>> Downloaded, time 4575.50sec, speed 29kB/sec,
>>>> texlive-latex-extra-doc_2009-10_2011.20120322-1_all.debdelta
>>>>  Error: applying of delta for texlive-latex-extra-doc failed:  :
>>>> Sorry, not enough disk space (581788kB) in directory /tmp for applying
>>>> delta (needs 668963kB) (retriable)
>>> Edit /etc/default/rcS, set RAMTMP=no, reboot. Or, set TMPDIR to point
>>> to something like $HOME/tmp
>>> You may also consider filing a bug, since the more people report
>>> problems with Debian's new, absurdly small /tmp, the more likely it is
>>> to get fixed.
> +5
>> Why?
> Because the default is giving some headaches to the users?

How many?  Or how many would you consider critical mass to make things change?

To me it's just not possible to provide defaults satisfying all users.

The important thing for the distro is to make sure to provide options
so the user can tweak the system as he/she wants/needs.  Not that it
will be perfect by default for his/her needs.  And this is already the
case for this tmpfs thing.

Moreover, you can shut debian settings off, and use fstab if you'd
like, as follows:

tmpfs      /tmp         tmpfs   nodev,nosuid,relatime,size=2G   0    0

Current setting is not the most fortunate for some (neither for me),
but users still have the ability to configure as they wish, which BTW
can serve way better than any default now, or even in the future.

>> You can always configure as you wish.  Take a look at:
>> /etc/default/tmpfs
>> There you can configure TMPFS_SIZE and TMP_SIZE, which are the ones
>> asked for.  And if you definitely don't want to use tmpfs, then you can
>> RAMTMP=yes as you suggested.
>> I think this is a matter of configuration, and we all might want
>> different settings for our purposes, :-)
> There was a recent discussion in this same list about that entitled
> "[Feedback needed] Setting the right size for /tmp" (it was opened by
> me), I would recommend reading people's comments to get a wider outlook
> on this with their pros and cons.

With so much traffic, I usually miss some e-mails...  I'll have to
look for that one you started...

I won't probably talk more about this, :-).  I believe the question
has been addressed (with options, and suggestions for complains), and
if not, maybe the original poster can ask further, :-)

> Greetings,
> --
> Camaleón



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