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Re: Setup SSH to login from Internet to system behind firewal and sudo for few commands

Hi Dan,

Dan Ritter <dsr <at> randomstring.org> writes:

> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 07:15:38PM +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

> > I want to setup firewall/gateway for an user to can login with SSH into
> > my desktop from the Internet.
> > 
> > After the user logged in with SSH, I want to let it run commands:
> > apt-get and apt-cache only.
> > 
> > Is this possyble?
> > If yes, how can I log the activities of that user?

> Well, you *could* do that:
> but I really suggest you NOT do this, unless you are the user in
> question. Remember that the power of apt-get as root can trash
> your machine.

> You'll get better advice if you explain what you're trying to
> do.

I think it would be better if I install on my VirtualBox a Debian GNU/Linux
wheezy/sid system and allow an user from the Internet to SSH into that system on
VB and there uses whatever command he like as root. Is it possible to have this
setup? Is it possible to SSH into a system that run in a VirtualBox?

Regrads, from Pál

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