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mutt - no incoming mailboxes defined

I've been using Debian since Slink days, but I'm now 81 and had a stroke some 30 months ago which has done severe damage to my brain.

Have just built a new box and put Debian 6.04 on it. There are a number of problems with the installation and I'm working through them one at a time. I'm unable to get my email working and this is confusing me greatly. I use getmail (this is OK), nullmailer (which should be fine) and Mutt which is the headache.. I've used this combination on all previous editions without too much trouble, but now I'm 'lost' - I can't find my original notes from Potato days - presumably I arrogantly thought I wouldn't need - how wrong can one get!!!

Would someone kindly explain what Mutt does when it launches, and give the .muttrc entries for mbox, maildir (which I use), and how Mail fits in. I run from my user John's home directory.

Sorry to ask such a simple question, but it's so frustrating to be in this


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