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Re: rsync

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 06:33, lina <lina.lastname@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it wrong when use
> rsync -azvu source destination
> sent 16 bytes  received 43 bytes  5.13 bytes/sec
> total size is 1507939808  speedup is 25558301.83
> Destination $ du -sh md_0.xtc
> 342M    md_0.xtc
> Source $ du -sh md_0.xtc
> 1.5G    md_0.xtc
> my confusion is that
> why it stopped copy the rest.

I hope you don't mind some English correction...
You should say something like "my confusion is why it stopped copying the rest"

Anyway, it is a good question. What is that file?
Could it be a sparse file? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_file

> Actually I got lots of questions but hesitated to ask, afraid of being
> told that those are in manuals. I have read several times but couldn't
> figure it out.

If you have read the fine manuals, and still don't get it, asking is fine,
and anyone that doesn't think so is wrong ;-)

Oh, and "Actually I got lots ..." should be "Actually I have lots of..."
or "Actually I have got lots of..."

"Got" by itself is wrong, unless you are using "got" to mean "received",
but that doesn't make sense here.

> [1] suppose I use scp, due to the wireless is not stable, down, Can I
> continue transferring?

You can resume with rsync (even if it was started with scp), but not
with scp by itself.

And you might try that sentence like this:
"Suppose I am using scp, but the wireless is not stable and goes down,
can I resume?"

> [2] When I ssh to a server, can I set up the terminal the same as when we
> open a tab in termial, it will be in that directory of the present
> tab's directory,
> can I open a tab in termial, with ssh connected, can it also in that
> server's directory, not home directory?

Unfortunately that sentence takes few too many twists and turns
for me to follow along. It sounds like you are asking about a tabbed
terminal being able to open new tabs directly to the same remote
server that you are ssh'd into in the first tab.

If that is what you are asking, no, it can't be done, at least not with
a normal terminal.

Such a thing could be written perhaps, if you had passwordless
ssh keys or used ssh-agent to remember the key for a time.


Looks like you are talking about copying a symlink vs what the
symlink points to? That can be an issue, but not in this case,
since the destination file is hundreds of MBs

Kelly Clowers

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