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Re: wget and captcha puzzle !!!

J. Bakshi wrote:
> cap_string=`cat index.php | grep src=\"captcha.phtml | cut -f 10 -d '"'`

Search the web for "useless use of cat" and read all about it.  Don't
use cat piped to grep here.  Simply use grep.

Plus I recommend getting in the habit of using $(...) instead of `...`.

  cap_string=$(grep src=\"captcha.phtml index.php | cut -f 10 -d '"')

> wget$cap_string -O /tmp/captcha.png
> wget --post-date 'username=xxx&password=xxx&captcha_code=<retrieved_code>'

The site is almost certainly using session cookies to create a virtual
connection.  Read the wget man page for the cookies options.
Basically something like this:

  wget --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies=cookies.txt$cap_string -O /tmp/captcha.png
  wget --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies=cookies.txt --save-cookies=cookies.txt --post-date 'username=xxx&password=xxx&captcha_code=<retrieved_code>'

That should tell wget to save the session cookies to the file and then
with the next invocation will load those session cookies and send them
back to the site.  This should enable the separate wget invocations to
appear as a single session client to the remote web site.


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