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Re: Need help recovering hard drive


You could also give photorec a try, it's in the testdisk package.
PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover
 lost pictures from digital camera memory or even Hard Disks.
 It has been extended to search also for non audio/video headers.
 It searchs for
 * Sun/NeXT audio data (.au)
 * RIFF audio/video (.avi/.wav)
 * BMP bitmap (.bmp)
 * bzip2 compressed data (.bz2)
 * Source code written in C (.c)
 * Canon Raw picture (.crw)
 * Canon catalog (.ctg)
 * FAT subdirectory
 * Microsoft Office Document (.doc)
 * Nikon dsc (.dsc)
 * HTML page (.html)
 * JPEG picture (.jpg)
 * MOV video (.mov)
 * MP3 audio (MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1) (.mp3)
 * Moving Picture Experts Group video (.mpg)
 * Minolta Raw picture (.mrw)
 * Olympus Raw Format picture (.orf)
 * Portable Document Format (.pdf)
 * Perl script (.pl)
 * Portable Network Graphics (.png)
 * Raw Fujifilm picture (.raf)
 * Contax picture (.raw)
 * Rollei picture (.rdc)
 * Rich Text Format (.rtf)
 * Shell script (.sh)
 * Tar archive (.tar )
 * Tag Image File Format (.tiff)
 * Microsoft ASF (.wma)
 * Sigma/Foveon X3 raw picture (.x3f)
 * zip archive (.zip)

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