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Gnome crashing but not sure where the problem lies.


I have multiple computers systems running dual boot windows and windows.
One computers seems to have the problem, all running debian wheezy.  25%
of the time when I start the system and login to gnome the first thing I
notice the top internet connection icons says no connection.  Then the
activities menu does not show up.  The only thing I am able to do
crl-alt-F1 and then restart the machine or use crt-alt-del from the
terminal to reboot the machine.  I tried downloading and new version of
debian wheezy and re-installed it on the machine from clean install and
the problem returned.  Not sure weather gnome-network is crashing,
problem exists before and after installing nvidia driver.  Not sure if
it is gnome package.  Problem is intermitten, but windows on the same
machine is rock solid stable so I doubt it's a hardware problem.  Only
difference with this machine is it runs of a SSD vs a hard drive.
Though another laptop had this problem once as well.

Not sure what package to fill bug against.

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