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Re: How to address hosts in dual ethernet networks?

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:45 PM, Henning Follmann
<hfollmann@itcfollmann.com> wrote:
> The network design at your place seems like a mess and the best advice
> I can give you is to clean that up BEFORE you do anything else.

What's the mess? That the Intranet contains 192.168... addresses?
Anyway, this is a big multinational corporation, and I can't have any
situation where the Intranet "sees" my Modbus devices, and I can't
make any assumptions about addresses being or not being in use in the

I understand that from the viewpoint of my control PC I can't have any
duplicate addresses because that's how IP addresses work. That was my
basic question, and it was answered. So as long as I put my modbus
stuff into an IP address range that I don't need on the intranet, and
I make that address space "invisible" on the intranet side using a
netmask, I'm fine.

> The devices on your modbus should be assign a unique IP address which
> MUST NOT overlap with any other range already in use at your place.

Got that.


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