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Re: Something about netiquette Re: systemd

Am Montag, 6. August 2012 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> On Mon, 2012-08-06 at 13:15 -0400, Tom H wrote:
> > Somehow, I find your claim that neither OpenSUSE nor Ubuntu will
> > start being installed "on most machines" difficult to believe...
> > 
> > My personal experience is that Ubuntu boots and performs well,
> > including PA, on the three laptops (mine and my parents') on which
> > I've installed it.
> Personally I never had an issue with installing Suse and Ubuntu, but I
> had an issue with one version of Ubuntu Studio, so I installed Ubuntu
> and then the meta packages for the studio version. BUT I also
> experienced issues with Debian, Ubuntu and several Non-German distros,
> when setting up xorg.conf perfectly, since there are no calculators in
> the web available, that know the German vendor names and types for
> identically constructed monitors, that have other names in other
> countries. Suse ships with IIRC it's called SaX and this app did know
> my monitors, so I had to install Suse to get my 64 Studio (Debian and
> Ubuntu based versions) and my Debians and Ubuntus able to use my
> monitors in the way I needed them.

I don´t know when you made these experiences, but in the last years I have 
seen no hardware I installed Debian on where it didn´t just boot up to a 
graphical login – if installed – with correct resolution straight after 

Sure, for the ThinkPad T520 I resorted to install Debian Wheezy/Sid back 
then, but its hardware has been brand-new as well.

So or so I do not like to use the stuff that SaX tended to put into 
xorg.conf even after X.org has learned to configure itself most of the 

The times of inserting mode lines, in the case of SaX usually lots of 
modelines into xorg.conf by default are *long* over.

But still use gtf or cvt if you still insist that you know it better.

> I belief my experiences more than a statistic, however:
> "Operating Systems
> 1 	Windows 7 	44.12%
> 2 	Windows XP 	27.06%
> 3 	Apple OS X 	8.66%
> 4 	iOS 	7.09%
> 5 	Windows Vista 	6.95%
> 6 	Android 	2.49%
> 7 	Linux 	1.75%

What on earth has this do to with Debian Linux?

Frankly, I don´t care about the market share of Linux. Fine if it raises.

But I can use it right now, it works, it works nicely.

So what?

Any real Debian problems anyone? (Just for a change from this off topic 
babbling whether Linux is cool or not…)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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