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LSB init script virtual facility for name switch service resolution

Not sure where it's best to start this discussion, but here seems a good a place as any.

In brief, I have all my account information in LDAP. Problem is, I have to manually add slapd into most of my init scripts to make sure the ordering is correct and that my accounts DB is up in time for starting the services. This then means merging in updates which gets *very* tiresome.

The article http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts/#line-116 shows several virtual facility names, and I suspect something akin to $named would be desirable for all of the services that could provide backends for in nsswitch data, i.e. slapd - all scripts that run with their own user account could then depend on this facility. I propose something as suggested in the http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts/DebianVirtualFacilities article, e.g. 'x-nsswitch'.


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