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Re: df and du don't seem to agree ?

Hi Karl,

thanks for the prompt answer.
FYI: I always use the "-x" flag on du too, as this will not recurse down
other mounted file systems - e.g. if you have /var/cache on a separate
logical volume.
that's good to know. This doesn't change anything in this case, though :

server:~# du -h -s -x /var
1.6G    /var
- Deleted files which are open: When a file is deleted, the space is
   usually freed immediately. UNLESS the file is open, in which case
   the space will not be freed until whatever-has-it-open closes it.
good point ! I'll check with the sysadmin whether he can reboot
the server or not
- Other mountpoints: If you have lots of files in a subdirectory
   (e.g. /var/cache) and then mount another file system on /var/cache,
   you cannot reach the original contents of /var/cache - and this will
   then be invisible to "du"...
I don't think this is the case here, but that's something I'll try to
keep in mind too :

server:~# mount | grep /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-var on /var type ext3 (rw)
rpc_pipefs on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
in your case:

   lvdisplay vg00/var

as you have a logical volume mounted on /var.

Hope this helps
yes it does, thanks again. Hopefully a reboot is all we need ..


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