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Tools in Debian to create whole disk image (multiple partitions)?

Hello list,

My Raspberry Pi arrived a few days ago and yesterday I finally managed 
to run the installer for Raspbian (Debian wheezy armhf recompiled for 
the Raspberry Pi).

Since the installation is not very fast due to the speed of the SD card 
(and I may want to contribute images anyway) I want to create an image 
of the SD card used for installation, possibly in different stages 
(fresh install, all updates, etc.).

Unfortunately dd creates an image as big as the SD card (7,5 GiB) and 
GNU ddrescue with the --sparse option will create a file of 5,7 GiB.
(the base + SSH server install is ~ 0,6 GiB)

Partimage, as far as I can tell, only works on individual partitions, 
but I want to image the whole card.

A web search seems to indicate CloneZilla might do the trick, but it's 
not in Debian.

Any suggestions?

Kind regards,
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