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Re: Daemons in schroot or how to start chroot automatically

Thanks for your answer, Bob!

On Thu, 19 Jul 2012 21:28:52 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
>> Installed sid $ sudo debootstrap sid /srv/chroot/sid/
>> http://ftp.ch.debian.org/debian/
> I haven't submitted a bug yet but I always have problems with sysvinit
> postinst depending upon ischroot and ischroot getting it wrong and that
> leaving a broken /run - /var/run behind.  You might hit that too.
> You should set up a usr/sbin/policy-rc.d script in your chroot.
> Something like this:
>   #!/bin/sh exit 101
> That will prevent installations from starting daemons in the chroot. Or
> if there is a daemon that you wish to start in the chroot then you could
> use a script such as this:
>   #!/bin/sh # /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d [options] <initscript ID> <actions>
>   # [<runlevel>]
>   # /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d [options] --list <initscript ID> [<runlevel>
>   # ...]
>   # See /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.policy-rc.d for documentation. #
>   Live example found in ps:
>   #   /bin/sh /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d x11-common stop unknown while [ $#
>   -gt 0 ]; do
>       case $1 in
>           --list) exit 101 ;; --quiet) shift ;; -*) shift ;;
>           cron) exit 0 ;; nullmailer) exit 0 ;;
>           *) exit 101 ;;
>       esac
>   done exit 101
> See /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.policy-rc.d.gz for documentation.

The program I'd like to jail is a daemon which means I should use the 
longer script. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything about the initscript 
ID in the policy-rc.d documentation.

Can I just copy/paste the script in my case to
and make it executable?

I found this:
"There is a provision for a "local initscript policy layer" (...),
which allows the local system administrator to control the behaviour of
invoke-rc.d for every initscript id and action"

So this script controls the way and order the daemons are started?
Is it correct that without it I wouldn't be able to start the daemon from 
outside the chroot because of this:

"Can I run a dæmons in a chroot?
(...) Unfortunately,  this  means schroot  detects  that  the  program  
exited  (the  dæmon is a orphaned grandchild of this process) and it 
then  ends  the  session. (...)"

>> Entered the chroot with $ sudo schroot -p -c sid
>> Installed locales and reconfigured them. I also installed vim.
> Seems reasonable so far.  Some packages will require /proc.  Some will
> also require /dev.  Some will require other things.

Oh, yes, I read about that but I forgot to update my /etc/fstab and mount 
the directories. Should I also remount /sys?

Or is there a better way to do this? I mean can schroot handle it 
directly so that when I create a new jail or copy one that the 
directories are remounted there as well?

>> I noticed that auto-completion isn't working.
>> What packages should I install? Is auto-complete-el sufficient or is
>> there a meta package for some base system packages?
>   apt-get install bash-completion
>> In the chroot I have created a new user called hoferr and am now able
>> to login without root privilieges.
>> But in there sudo is missing. Maybe this can be resolved by installing
>> the correct base system meta package mentioned above?
>   apt-get install sudo


Btw I had to set the password for my user inside the chroot to be able to 
use sudo.

>> Aside some missing packages everything looks promising.
> The premise of debootstrap is that it installs a very small system. If
> you want something installed you are going to need to install it
> yourself.
> Perhaps you should consider using 'tasksel' to install a standard task
> set of packages.  That would pull in a lot.  I prefer the small system
> and only install what I need to install.  But if you don't like that
> then you may always install a larger set all at once.

Aha, the base system option of the Debian installer uses tasksel.

I think I'll try with the minimal installation as well and when I run 
into serious problems I might install the rest with tasksel. It makes to 
not install too much because I won't work in the chroot. So probably even 
sudo and bash-completion are too much...

Btw In the jail I also did `dpkg-reconfigure tzdata` to set the time zone 
(it was set to "Etc"). But I don't know if that makes any difference...

>> To get back to my main reason of doing this: After stopping the "old"
>> sabnzbdplus can I just install the chroot sabnzbplus with the "normal"
>> home partition mounted?
> Yes.

I could also just use /etc/schroot/default/copyfiles and put the config 
directory .sabnzbd onto it. Like that I still have the configuration file 
outside of the jail in my home dir and when I retsart the daemon the jail 
gets restarted as well and the config dir is copied again.

Btw when I think about it: schroot manages the copying of the files. So 
when I create a new jail the files are copied in there as well.
Is it possible to have a separate copyfiles for my sid jail like /etc/
schroot/sid/copyfiles instead of /etc/schroot/default/copyfiles?

And the "global" configuration should be possible for the remounts as 
well. There isn't any configuration for global remounts is there?

>> It will probably start automatically when the chroot is started
> Wait!  Hold it right there.  What do you mean "when the chroot is
> started"?  Unless you are doing something "magical" there isn't anything
> that "starts a chroot".  I think right here there is a huge
> misunderstanding of chroots.  If you want a particular daemon to start
> in the chroot then you will need to ensure that it is started.

I thought that starting a chroot is like starting a virtual machine. But 
it's probably more like directly starting a program (in my case sabnzbd+) 
for which schroot starts the jail?

> (...)
> I would use the same header as in the original script.

Unfortunately the init.d script for sabnzbd is quite cmplex and I don't 
understand exactly what I have to change.

Probably I can just change the beginning which is.


 ([ -x $DAEMON ] && [ -r $SETTINGS ]) || exit 0

 DESC="SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber"
 PYTHONEXEC="^$(sed -n '1s/^#\!\([a-z0-9\.\/]\+\)\(.*\)/\1(\2)?/p' 

Here's the whole script:

Since /usr/bin/sabnzbdplus is a python script python should probably also 
be started in the jail.

> For example I run 'nullmailer' in the chroot.  Therefore I create an
> initscript like this following.  And I install it using update-rc.d.
> Copy it to /etc/init.d/chroot-nullmailer and then install it with:
>   update-rc.d chroot-nullmailer defaults
> In a chroot I usually run nullmailer and cron plus whatever else I
> wanted the chroot for, such as apache.

Your script is much more understandable to me.

I have done it as follows:

Inside the chroot I created usr/sbin/policy-rc.d with your longer script 
from above and made it executable.

Outside the chroot I have stopped sabnzbd+
Remounted /proc, /dev, /etc/default/sabnzbdplus, /home/hoferr/.sabnzbd 
and the download location. (I couldn't use /etc/schroot/default/copyfiles 
because the directory wasn't copied.)

Inside the chroot installed sabnzbd+ and was able to connect to it's 

Outside chroot I created the sid-sabnzbd script
Thanks for your example :-)
Updated-rc.d and removed sabnzbdplus.
Now I can `sudo /etc/init.d/sid-sabnzbdplus start / stop / ...` :-)

Thanks again for your help!

Best regards

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