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gdm3 cancels/ignores Control/CapsLock swap

What is it about gdm3 that undoes (or otherwise ignores) swapping of
Control and Caps Lock keys configured via /etc/default/keyboard?

I have XKBOPTIONS="ctrl:swapcaps" in /etc/default/keyboard.  That works
(the Control and Caps Lock keys are swapped) for virtual consoles and for
X11 displays started with "startx"--both without and with GNOME installed.

However, when I start gdm3, then in the X11 display managed started by
gdm3, the keys are _not_ swapped any more.  (That's both initially (when
gdm3 prompts for username and password) and later (with the GNOME
environment displayed).)

Some Debian documentation or discussion says that the settings in
/etc/default/keyboard are supposed to work for both virtual consoles
and X11 (so one doesn't have to configure consoles and X11 separately).

Why doesn't gdm3 follow that?

Does it sound like I have a configuration problem, or does gdm3 have a
bug (with respect to the intent that /etc/default/keyboard configures both
VCs and X11 displays)?



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